DOR 2 – 81.4 miles

Feeling great!

Woke up in the church after not a great night of sleep but that was to be expected.  80 mile day is in store!!

Boiled a pot of water for coffee and oatmeal and got the day started right.

Stopped for a second breakfast at Panera around mile 20 and then two lunches at mile 40 and around 60.  

Mile 40 was lunch at The Caboose and they had an amazing beer selection…. so we filled up the cooler with beer for the after party!

It was really muggy today and was threatening rain so it was a little tiresome, then we hit the hills.   Not too many but enough to wake our legs up. 

After all those hills I really felt I needed some refreshment so we stopped at a convenience store around mile 65 for some “gatorade” and then off to finish the ride.  Well….. one more stop when  my friend Olivia offered to buy us all ice cream at mile 71.  So I had dinner #1: ice cream, pizza and 2 bananas.

We made it to the fire station and I took my first hose shower.  That’s where we don’t have showers so we hook a hose up and shower outside.  Good times and cold water.  

Then, off to the nearby Mexican restaurant for dinner #2:  quesadillas and a margarita….. man that hit the SPOT!

Thunderstorm finally rolled in and we all took shelter under the patio with our beers.  

Having a ton of fun on this trip and getting to know some awesome folks.  Tomorrow is our first MS event and I’ll tell you all about it after.

I’m tucked in my hammock with a rain fly now, sleeping in the great outdoors.   Lol. 

More miles tomorrow…. but only 55 so we consider that an “easy day” cuz day 4 is going to be brutal…. hello Appalachian mountains!
