Fall 2009 Trumpet Lessons

Are you looking for Trumpet Lessons?

Mr. Garza is taking a limited number of private students this Fall – if you’d like to take lessons, please contact me by filling out this form

Are you looking for Trumpet Ensemble?

Mr. Garza is also putting together a trumpet ensemble. Check it out here.


Here are some tips from Tony Horton:

1. Variety is the spice of fitness. Mix it up and do something different every day.

2. Consistency. Aim to workout a minimum of 5 days a week and a maximum of 7 (six days a week, 24 workouts a month being ideal). Anything less is like throwing yourself down a flight of stairs. You’ll be sore but it won’t do much good for you.

3. Intensity. Aim for 6,7, or 8 on a scale of 1 to 10. One being sitting on the couch and 10 being chased by guys with knives who want to kill you. Get a heart rate monitor.

4. Purpose. Have a reason for working out. Most people focus on wanting to look better (lose weight). That is focusing on the future or the past. You shouldn’t care about what others think of you and how you look. The greatest success comes when you use some sort of equipment such as schwinn 420 elliptical, best gloves for rowing machine and focus on improving your fitness, your health, your quality of life. In other words you are more likely to stick with a fitness program if you are doing it for the right reasons.

5. Reality. Be authentic. Be honest. Be vulnerable. Know your limitations and slowly push beyond them. Don’t get discouraged if you can’t keep up with the people on the videos.

6. Play a sport. Team sport or individual, it doesn’t matter.

7. Plan. Schedule your workouts and stick to that schedule.

8. Deal with stress and get enough sleep. Write down what is stressing you before you go to sleep. That will help you avoid mulling it over in your mind when you should be sleeping. Aim for 7.5 – 8 hours of sleep per night. Do something nice for someone you are having trouble with.

9. Love it. If you don’t like it, don’t do it.

10. Flexibility. The fountain of youth. Stretching and improving your range of motion will result in less injury.

11. Food and supplementation. Aim to eat fruits, vegetables, healthy grains, lean proteins and healthy fats. For supplements Tony takes a multivitamin, creatine, and whey protein shakes.

But check here for more info on gym equipment and more.

I am looking forward to adding my running back to the routine. For this week, I just want to get used the new schedule and get my body through the soreness……. but I was up to a 5k 2-3 times a week, running intervals and exercise gym mats.


This just bugs the heck out of me! Must be a sign, here’s what my fortune cookie said last week: “If you have a job without aggravations, you don’t have a job.”

It is a curious thing, Harry, but perhaps those who are best suited to power are those who have never sought it. Those who, like you, have leadership thrust upon them, and take that mantle because they must, and find to their own surprise, that they wear it well.

I firmly believe in this. Those who seek leadership and power just for the rewards are found out, and no more poignantly than when they miss out. Their response speaks volumes. Some who sought office and were disappointed responded by abrogating responsibilities, reneging on promises and truanting school.

That’s a quote from a 17 year old School Captain of Knox Grammar in Sydney. He delivered this speech in front of 1350 fellow students, 150 teachers and 600 parents in the school assembly hall. This kid has guts!

Teenage boys have been forced to face up to the pressures of power hungry parents. Those hypocrites who have slung the most mud do so because of a deep-seeded sense of paranoia, inferiority and the unquenchable desire to social climb. In a great paradox, these people are the embodiment of tall poppy syndrome yet all they crave is power. They accuse of intimidation, yet they are the biggest bullies of them all. They are selfish – because for every time their child is accommodated, another is displaced. They would never admit to doing so but must surely recognise it within themselves. Just as parents who berate officials on the sidelines set a poor example, parents who undermine the authority of the school fail to recognize that life doesn’t always deal in fairness, and you cannot excuse deplorable behaviour under the euphemism of wanting a ‘fair go’. It is time for Knox to have learnt its lessons. I believe that this school understands. To those who play the politics game, you have lost.

They might not realise it yet, but life will be the great leveler. It is difficult for most of us to appreciate this and it’s a concept I’m yet to understand but its one that I hold faith in. Whilst I cannot claim to comprehend the forces of karma, most of us have the foresight to see that Knox is not the be all and end all. Because once you pass through those doors, the real world takes over. Beginning with the HSC yet reaching far beyond, the schoolboy bubble will have burst. Mum and Dad are not with you in your job interview to defend you, or to make threats on your behalf, yet can only arm you with the lessons that they have instilled upon you. To our parents, most of you have done so admirably, teaching the virtues of commitment, discipline and loyalty. You have given us a chance to prosper. We are all grateful.

It is these virtues upon which the men of this year group have thrived.

Kenosha Trumpet Ensemble

is starting up soon!

For more information, visit the Trumpet Ensemble page and fill out the contact form. Tell me who you are, where you’re from and I’ll keep you updated on our rehearsal schedule.

We’ll try to meet weekly (just come when you can) and we’ll give a concert at the end of the year, or during the summer. Our rehearsals will be about 45 minutes long and this doesn’t cost you anything. Come and learn how to play your trumpet and blend in a section.


Mountain Biking

So my brother and I went to Flat Rock Ranch in Comfort, Texas for some mountain biking….. WOW! We had too much fun, check out the pictures below……..

1300 acres of rugged trails… over 25 miles! with angora goats and black angus cattle running freely! “The trails lead through typical hill country terrain, with spectacular views, hill climbs, long downhill sections, technical single track, and several creek crossings.”

CYO Band goes to Festa Italiana!

CYO Honors Band

In December of 2008, the CYO Band will be traveling to Italy for the Rome New Year’s Day Parade! To help get the kids ready for this cultural experience, we decided to take them to Milwaukee’s “Festa Italiana” to eat some great Italian food and listen to some Italian music…

One of the towns we are visiting is San Gemini, and the flag throwers from that town were at Festa Italiana, performing twice daily. So, we decided to make all of our kids watch the show and WOW it was fantastic!

Check out the videos:
Flag Throwers 1
Flag Throwers 2
Flag Throwers 3
Flag Throwers 4
Flag Throwers 5

and the pictures….
Flag Throwers Slideshow

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