Rest Day in Telluride

Well, I’m back on the Trans Am with Bike the US for MS.  Tomorrow is my first day of riding with the team, 60 miles to Dolores.  Feels weird to come back on a rest day, but I managed to fill it with some fun.  

Got my bike back from the shop with a new chain and some new bar tape!  Returned my rental car and rode my bike back to the church we are staying at.  Feels good, I forgot how much I like this bike!

After all of my stuff was ready for tomorrow, we took a nice ride up the mountain in the free goldola.  Telluride sure is pretty! 

So, since I’ll be riding most of the day tomorrow, here is some info about my riding days:

  • I turn all of the data off to save battery and can only receive phone calls and text messages
  • I ride with music or podcasts 
  • We stop every 20-30 miles
  • I eat a bunch of food

Tomorrow:  Dolores, CO !!!!!