Day 45/16 – to Blanding, UTAH!

Look at us in Utah!

Today sucked but was awesome.  It’s Olivia’s birthday!   So, of course, at rest stop two we found ourselves at a bar and I bought my group a round of shots.   The shot was a creamy fireball:  cream soda, fireball and whipped cream..  delicious!

The bar itself was pretty awesome….

The ride?  Damn.  Long and lots of climbing….. in the heat.  Dry air and tired legs.  But, we keep pedaling and you know what?  Eventually we finish.   And right now I’m in my hammock writing in my blog.   🙂

Tomorrow we ride 74 miles in the Utah desert.  We won’t pass any towns, houses, restaurants…. nothing.  So, it will be a very long and tough day.  

But I have a new friend:  bunny rides on my trunk bag and is a tribute to a very sad day on the first leg of my tour.  I won’t tell the story here, but maybe in another blog post.  Say hello to bunny in Utah!