CYO Band Update

This Saturday, the CYO Honors Band will be performing at 1:15pm at Christian Life School for the WSMA Large Group Festival! The band will play Bolero, Salvation is Created, and Havendance. In my three years here, I’ve never been as impressed with what this band is doing. The music is very difficult and demanding for any band at this level, not to mention only having two nights a week to rehearse and having to compete with other extra curricular activities and programs. While I will never be satisfied, I am very happy with the progress this band has made and hope that as students, you will be able to enjoy this weekend’s performance. You get to play beautiful music in a wonderful church auditorium and get feedback from master teachers. Can it get any better?

Tonight’s Rehearsal Recordings:
Salvation is Created

Also, I just returned from a site visit to Denver, Colorado. WOW! Look for pictures and videos later this week.
