Happy New Year (bike ride)!
It’s January 1st, so what better thing to do then to throw Toby in the trailer and ride about 20 miles.
#tobysdad #swimmer #cyclist #runner #trumpeter
It’s January 1st, so what better thing to do then to throw Toby in the trailer and ride about 20 miles.
Monday morning was rough. But one of the things I learned on the TransAm with Bike the US for MS was that it only takes about 12 miles to ride out whatever is ailing you. I’m not sure this works for actual illness but if you are just having a slow start, if you drank a little too much the night before, if you have a lot on your mind or if you just can’t find the motivation to do anything, my advice is get over it. Get on the bike. Put the running shoes on. Put the leash on the dog. Grab your swimsuit. No matter what the activity is that you choose to do, get your act together and start. Commit to a shorter ride, walk, run or swim. I can not start to count the number of times that I have been in the laziest mood ever, jumped on the bike and my day was transformed.
Monday morning my ride was scheduled for 10:30am. At 8:44am, I sent a text: “Sorry. There is no way I can ride today.” At 8:56am: “Maybe I can ride. I’ll check back in with you at 9:45.” At 9:48am: “See you at 10:30 or 10:45. Getting ready” At 10:27am: “I’m on my way”
What happened in between all those texts? An all-out civil war in my brain. But I knew that the moment I started riding, I’d feel fine. I knew that it was a beautiful day outside, not too cold, not hot at all and not too windy outside. The world set up a perfect day of riding. All it took was a short walk with Toby to see how great it was outside.
Christy and I rode 23 miles with two stops that day. Stop 1 was at the Valley Cafe for coffee (my one requirement for this ride to happen). Stop number 2 was at the Suisun Valley Wine Co-Op.
After that ride, I was ready to crush the rest of the day. Stopped by In-Shape for a great workout and recovery in the sauna.
Yet another example of my bike turning my day around.